Monday, June 05, 2006

The V word

I'm a student midwife. I'm not sure exactly who reads my blog, I know some of you who do but I'm not sure who else reads what I write.

I just want to say that I will write about birth, giving birth, midwifery politics, homebirth, natural birth, gentle birthing, breastfeeding, the over medicalization of childbirth and the like in this blog. That was my first intention for this blog (hence the blog title) and while it has become more than that there will be the midwifery stuff thrown in especially now I'm coming up to my 4 week placement. (In two weeks time expect some stories!)

Pregnancy and birth are amazing things and at the same time such a normal life event. I do not deal with patients or clients. In learning to be a midwife I am simply with women, respecting them, seeking the best for them and their babies wellbeing.

I will not tip toe around issues. I will not be shy talking about anything birth related so expect to read the word vagina and perineum in this blog. There you go now you won't go red the first time you hear the V word.

p.s there might be the occasional birth photo too.


At 1:44 PM, Blogger analise said...

hey...i am really enjoying reading your blog...its a nice way to keep in touch with what is going on :p

At 9:42 AM, Blogger Meika said...

say it loud, and say it proud lor!

oh, yeah. its great that your updating!

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Proudly indeed! - weirdly enough I was talking to one of the guys at young adults about birth (he initiated the conversation) and I said it without batting an eyelid and in response surprise surprise neither did he.

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Kike said...

Hey, I read too! Congratulations for the blog. Hope everything's gonna be alright. Glad to see you're a believer... I'm sorry, I must have said "a proudly believer".

Proud of you too,



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