Sunday, May 28, 2006

Deep Vein Thrombosis

Okay so the question in my mind is....can I get this from sitting too long at my computer totally absorbed in other people's blogs? I'm addicted....there you go a first hand confession. I go to one blog which leads to another interesting looking blog and then another..... which leaves me sitting at the computer for three hours consequently with a numb backside. BUT my mind says, "Just one more blog Laura, just click that little link, this one will be different from every other one you've visited!" People get DVT on planes after sitting for too long so what about blog junkies? Do I fall in a high risk category?! Needless to say I've been rolling my ankles know how they do on those pre flight instruction clips, the ones where women wear frilly lace blouses, men have side combs and kids wear overalls.

Okay moving on! Bec's latest blogging suggestion was for me to post about my 'home remedies'. If I heard her correctly I think I noticed just a small smidgen of sarcasm and amusement in her voice (correct me if I'm wrong twin 2) which I've decided to over look as I'm a firm believer in my remedies : ) At the moment there are three remedies which I have tucked away for "emergencies":

1. Cramps - I heat up a wheat bag in the microwave for 4 minutes or so till it's really hot but not so hot as to start combusting all on it's own un attended in the microwave, then pick 5 heads of lavender from the garden and crush them just a slight bit between my hands so they release their fragrance . Two of them get tucked in the wheat bag to wilt in the heat and let out even more lovely lavender smells. Then I sit on the couch, bed or any other comfy place that has lots of cosy cushions, with the heat pack on my tummy or back, smell the other lavender heads and think happy thoughts. It works like charm....better than popping two Panadines is all I can say.

2. Sore Throat - this remedy soothes though I think it helps cure too as it's got honey it (I have a bit of a fascination with honey as a antiseptic). I mix equal parts honey and lemon juice (fresh lemon juice is best, not stuff out of a squeezy bottle from the supermarket) and then add a bit of hot water so it's not cold to sip. To work it needs to be don't dilute with too much water. It's yummy as well as being good for you!

3. Lack of Concentration - I love using this when I have a large chunks of study to do at the last minute. I mix 5 drops of rosemary essential oil with 10ml of base oil (like almond oil, or olive oil) and rub a small bit on my neck and shoulders. It's suppose to be good for headaches too but I haven't tried it yet for that. Oils are something that I want to learn more about along with herbal remedies and aromatherapy.

So there you have it Laura's quick fixes for everything but deep vein thrombosis.


At 11:57 PM, Blogger Bec said...


ah dear
I'll stick to

1.panadol (or, laugh evily at the fact that I never have half a problem with them as you do)

2. panadol/complaining online and avoiding phone conversations and/or talking excessively. No singing.

3. get off my butt and do what must be done. Write a list, cross things off the list as they are done. Your method sounds like another means of procrastination.

btw I sit hours and hours at computer and never have gotten dvt, I wouldnt worry.

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Harsh,Rebecca, harsh!


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