How to spend a lot of money
.... simply look at your prescribed textbook list for 3rd Year Midwifery and pull out your plastic card! All I can say is that I'm mightly glad I've got a resonable sized scholarship from the government, otherwise the pocket would be needing some urgent TLC at this very moment! Why is it that a single text book can cost $123.00?
So I bought my text books and then while hunting around on the internet I ah.... bought, oh about eleven more miwifery books that had been on my wish list for quite some time. I'm practically pacing till they get here, can't wait to open them all and gobble up their contents! The problem now is wondering how to fit them on my already bursting at the seams bookcase!
The text books were:
The Midwife's Labour and Birth Handbook
Midwives Guide to Antenatal Investigations
The Newborn Child
Women's Health Nursing: Towards evidence based practice
Gynaecology Nursing: A practical guide
Potter and Perry's Fudamentals of Nursing (This text and the gynaecology text are sugested because of our 4 week Gynaecology placement midyear... they need us to brush up on our "nursing" skills.... I am thankful for the opportunity to be involved in other aspects of women's health care though I am glad it's only four weeks and we'll be jumping back into Birthing placements)
The books ticked off the wish list were:
Gentle Birth Choices
Breech Birth
Breech Birth Woman-Wise
Heart and Hands
The Waterbirth Book
Your Amazing Newborn
Lotus Birth
The Midwife Companion
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth
Spiritual Midwifery
Midwifery: Preparation for Practice
I love having books to loan out and have for reference. There is no one perfect book.... so having a variety of good ones is the only solution!
I think I have book lust.
Wow. Yeah I bought my main textbook... but I haven't bought my stats one yet. Could hurt.
How exciting is all that potential future knowledge tho eh!
Can I swap books with you sometime? You can read statics and I'll learn all about home births haha.
Mhmmm think I'll pass on the swap but you can borrow any if you want...
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