Snacking on Bits and Pieces
Sitting curled up on the couch tonight I discovered Twisties and KitKats taste good together.
Obviously if I'm eating it means I'm still alive. The earth hasn't swallowed me up, and I truly am hoping to get this blog back to functioning.
So yes, I'm still here, but there have been a few changes. I've taken a year break from my Midwifery degree, and will start back again in July next year. It was a choice I needed to make, this year has been a roller coaster. My Follow Through Journey case studies got lost in the wake of it all. Thankfully I can keep doing them over the next few months while I don't have classes.... the thing is now I have to deal with all the women that got left behind earlier on this year. In a profession which highly values continuity, I feel so wretchedly guilty for leaving these women behind. It's been stopping me from getting anywhere close to catching up. It's got to change...
The other change, or soon to be change, is that this Saturday I'm moving out of home and going to share a small flat with my twin sister Bec who's loosing a house-mate and needs someone to help pay rent. Freedom! I'm packing boxes... can't wait!
So I'm not studying... but I'm still loving midwifery! Or I should say remembering why I love it again. Uni stress was starting to kill my passion. A good reason to take a break, and learn what I want to learn in a self directed way. I'm tossing up if I can afford going up to Sydney for the Australian Homebirth Conference at the start of November. Ina May Gaskin is speaking... I don't think I can afford to miss it! I want to hear her and see her in person!
Also Birth Week 07, similar to last year's Birth Week, is coming up again... the program sounds fantastic. I hoping I can managed to get to a few gatherings in between my shifts selling shoes at work.
Life goes on.